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Hit and Run Accidents

Austin Hit & Run Accident Attorney

Recovering Compensation for Victims of Hit and Run Accidents

The only thing worse than getting injured in a car accident is when the driver that hit you takes off. Without the driver, you may be wondering how your expenses will be paid and whether you’ll have to cover the costs of medical bills yourself.

Fortunately, you have options, and our Austin hit and run accident lawyer is available to help you take advantage of them so you don’t have to worry about paying out of pocket. At Chris Morrow Law, PLLC, our lawyer’s priority is helping clients recover completely.

Attorney Chris Morrow accomplishes this goal by thoroughly investigating accidents, connecting injured clients to trusted medical professionals, and putting his litigation skills to work. He can also protect you from insurance companies that may be tempted to offer you less than what you deserve. Call today for a free consultation at 512-520-8100.

Contact Chris Morrow 512-520-8100 after a hit and run. Whether or not the at-fault driver is caught, we can help you seek treatment and make a full recovery.

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Understanding the Severity of Hit and Run Incidents

Hit and run car accidents can have severe consequences for victims. Not only can they cause physical injuries, but they can also leave a lasting emotional impact. The trauma of being involved in an accident and not knowing who is responsible can be overwhelming. It is crucial to comprehend the seriousness of hit and run incidents and seek legal help to ensure justice is served.

When a hit and run accident occurs, the victim is left to deal with the aftermath on their own. They may be left with broken bones, internal injuries, or even paralysis. The physical pain and suffering can be excruciating, and the road to recovery can be long and arduous.

However, the physical injuries are just the tip of the iceberg. The emotional toll of a hit and run incident can be equally devastating. The victim may experience feelings of fear, anger, and helplessness. They may constantly replay the accident in their mind, wondering why someone would choose to flee the scene instead of taking responsibility for their actions.

Moreover, the financial implications of a hit and run incident can be overwhelming. Medical bills can quickly pile up, leaving the victim in a state of financial distress. They may be unable to work due to their injuries, further exacerbating their financial strain.

Furthermore, hit and run incidents can have long-term effects on the victim’s mental health. They may develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as nightmares, flashbacks, and anxiety. The emotional scars left by the incident can linger for years, impacting their daily life and relationships.

It is important for accident victims of a hit and run to seek legal help to ensure justice is served. By working with an experienced attorney, they can navigate the complex legal process and hold the responsible party accountable. A skilled lawyer can help gather evidence, interview witnesses, and negotiate with insurance companies to secure the compensation the victim deserves.

Raising awareness about the severity of hit and run incidents is crucial. Communities need to come together to educate drivers about the importance of staying at the scene of an accident and taking responsibility for their actions. By fostering a culture of accountability, we can work towards reducing the number of hit and run incidents and creating safer roads for everyone.

Immediate Steps to Take as a Hit and Run Victim in Austin, Texas

When faced with a hit and run, it is crucial to remain calm and act swiftly. As a victim, your immediate priority should be your safety and well-being.

Get Medical Attention

Move your vehicle to a safe location, if possible, and check for any injuries. If needed, seek medical attention immediately. It’s important for your case and your health that you seek medical attention for your injuries, even if you don’t think you were harmed. Documentation of your injuries is important when you’re filing your hit and run accident claim.

Report the Hit and Run Accident to Authorities

Law enforcement will respond to your accident and file a crash report that you can access as evidence later, and they also may immediately search the area for the driver. When notifying the authorities about the accident, provide them with all the pertinent details you can remember. The police will use this information to conduct their investigation and hopefully track down the responsible party.

Document the Scene

Documenting the scene of the accident is not only important for your own insurance company but also potential legal action. By taking photographs or videos, you can capture crucial details that may help determine liability later on. Make sure to include images of the damage to your vehicle, any skid marks, and the surrounding area. These visuals can serve as evidence when reconstructing the accident and building your case. Try to also remember and jot down details about the other car and driver, such as the color of the car, license plate number, what the driver was wearing, and any identifying details like dents in the car, bumper stickers, or facial features.

Talk to Witnesses

In addition to visual documentation, it is essential to gather information from any witnesses present at the scene. Witnesses can provide valuable testimonies that can support your version of events. Take the time to speak with them and obtain their contact information, including their names and phone numbers. This information will be invaluable when it comes to corroborating your account of the hit and run.

Resist Confrontations

While it may be tempting to confront the other driver or chase after them, it is crucial to resist the urge. Engaging in any form of confrontation can escalate the situation and potentially put yourself at risk. Instead, focus on gathering as much information as possible about the hit and run incident. This includes noting the time and location of the accident, the make and model of the other vehicle involved (if known), and any distinguishing features or license plate numbers.

Call an Attorney

Our hit and run lawyer in Austin can walk you through the steps of notifying your insurance company, investigate your accident with our resources, and get you the treatment you deserve after a harrowing experience.

Remember, being a victim of a hit and run can be a traumatic experience. It is important to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups who can provide the necessary support during this difficult time. Consult with a personal injury attorney who focuses on hit and run cases. They can guide you through the legal process and help you seek compensation for any damages or injuries you have suffered.

Why Legal Help Is Essential for Hit and Run Personal Injury Cases

Hit and run personal injury cases can be complex, particularly in Austin, Texas. Seeking legal assistance is essential to navigate the legal intricacies and achieve the best possible outcome. Personal injury attorneys focus on hit and run cases understand the local laws and can guide you through the entire process. Their experience can significantly increase your chances of obtaining the compensation and justice you deserve.

Texas Hit & Run Laws

Like most other states, Texas law requires all drivers to stop if they’ve been involved in a car accident that results in injuries, fatalities, or property damage. When drivers fail to stop or provide their information, they can be charged with leaving the scene of an accident, an offense that can range from a misdemeanor or felony depending on the damages involved.

Some of the criminal charges and penalties for leaving the scene of an accident are as follows:

  • Third-degree felony: When drivers leave the scene of a crash that results in serious injury or death, they can be punished by two to 10 years in state prison. Less serious injuries are felonies that can be punished by up to a year in county jail, five years in state prison, and/or a fine of up to $5,000.
  • Class C misdemeanor: Drivers can face fines up to $500 if the hit and run involved damaged to a vehicle totaling less than $200.
  • Class B misdemeanor: If damage to a vehicle is more than $200, at-fault drivers can face up to six months in county jail.

Drivers can also face these charges if they hit a parked car and fled without leaving behind their contact information. Unfortunately, the reality of hit and run accidents is that many drivers who flee the scene are never caught by police.

There are a few reasons why a driver may feel tempted to flee the scene of an accident, one of them being that the driver is fearful of being arrested. The driver may have been under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident and fear getting a DUI, or they may have an active warrant out for their arrest already and are evading the authorities. Some drivers flee the scene because they don’t have a valid driver’s license or lack insurance coverage.

Legal Proceedings

When it comes to hit and run accidents, numerous factors can complicate the legal proceedings. The first challenge is identifying the responsible party who fled the scene. This can be a daunting task, as witnesses may be scarce and physical evidence may be limited. However, an experienced personal injury attorney knows how to conduct a thorough investigation to gather any available evidence, such as surveillance footage or eyewitness testimonies, that can help identify the perpetrator.

Once the responsible party is identified, the next step is to determine the extent of your injuries and the damages you have suffered. This involves gathering medical records, consulting with professionals, and assessing the impact of the accident on your physical, emotional, and financial well-being. A skilled attorney will work closely with you to ensure that all relevant evidence is collected and presented effectively to support your compensation claim.

Another crucial aspect of hit and run personal injury cases is dealing with insurance companies. Texas law requires auto insurance companies to offer customers uninsured and underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage, so unless you actively rejected it, chances are you have this type of coverage. Individuals involved in hit and run accidents can file claims with their insurance companies to cover damages like medical bills, lost income, disability, and pain and suffering up to their policy limits.

It’s important to know that not all insurance companies will honor their customers’ policies. insurance companies are notorious for trying to minimize payouts and may employ various tactics to undervalue your claim or deny it altogether. Having a knowledgeable attorney by your side can level the playing field and ensure that your rights are protected. They will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, advocating for a fair settlement that adequately covers your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other damages you have incurred.

Furthermore, in hit and run cases, there may be criminal charges involved if the responsible party is apprehended. This adds another layer of complexity to the legal process. A skilled personal injury attorney will not only handle the civil aspect of your case but also liaise with law enforcement and prosecutors to ensure that the criminal charges are pursued vigorously. This dual approach can increase the likelihood of the responsible party facing both civil liability and criminal consequences for their actions.

Lastly, seeking legal help for your hit and run personal injury case can provide you with the emotional support you need during this challenging time. Dealing with the aftermath of a hit and run accident can be overwhelming, both physically and emotionally. Having a compassionate attorney who understands the impact of the incident on your life can provide you with reassurance and guidance throughout the legal process.

Hit and run personal injury cases require the skills of a seasoned attorney who focuses on this area of law. They can navigate the complexities of the legal system, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and ensure that your rights are protected. By seeking legal help, you increase your chances of obtaining the compensation and justice you deserve, while also receiving the necessary emotional support to help you through this difficult time.

The Role of Personal Injury Attorneys in Austin, Texas

Personal injury attorneys play a critical role in hit and run cases in Austin. They act as your dedicated advocates, fighting for your rights and best interests. From investigating the auto accident to gathering evidence, they leave no stone unturned in establishing liability and identifying the responsible driver. They handle negotiations with your car insurance company and ensure you are not taken advantage of, securing fair compensation for your injuries and other damages.

When it comes to hit and run cases, personal injury attorneys in Austin understand the complexities involved. They have extensive knowledge of the local laws and regulations, as well as experience dealing with similar cases. This specific knowledge allows them to navigate the legal system effectively and provide you with the best possible representation.

One of the key responsibilities of personal injury attorneys is to thoroughly investigate the accident. They will gather all available evidence, such as witness statements, police reports, and any surveillance footage that may exist. By meticulously examining these details, they can build a strong case against the responsible driver.

In addition to gathering evidence, personal injury attorneys will also work with accident reconstruction professionals. These professionals use their knowledge to recreate the accident scene and determine factors such as the speed at which the vehicle was traveling and the point of impact. This information is crucial in establishing liability and proving negligence.

Once liability has been established, personal injury attorneys will then begin negotiations with your insurance provider. They understand the tactics used by insurance adjusters to minimize payouts and will fight to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries and other damages. They will calculate the full extent of your losses because of the car crash, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any future medical needs.

Hit and run car accident lawyers in Austin are also well-versed in the legal deadlines and filing requirements associated with hit and run cases. They will ensure that all necessary paperwork is filed correctly and within the designated timeframes, preventing any potential delays or complications in your case.

Furthermore, personal injury attorneys provide invaluable support and guidance throughout the entire legal process. They will keep you informed about the progress of your case, answer any questions you may have, and provide professional advice on the best course of action. Their goal is to alleviate your stress and allow you to focus on your recovery while they handle the legal aspects of your case.

Personal injury attorneys in Austin, Texas play a crucial role in hit and run cases. They are dedicated advocates who fight for your rights and work tirelessly to secure fair compensation for your injuries and damages. With their knowledge of the legal system, they navigate the complexities of hit and run cases, ensuring that you receive the justice you deserve.

Investigating the Hit and Run: Proving Liability and Identifying the Driver

Investigating a hit and run accident requires a thorough examination of the evidence. Personal injury attorneys work closely with investigators and accident reconstruction professionals to piece together what happened. They gather surveillance footage, interview witnesses, and analyze the physical evidence to establish liability and identify the responsible driver. This investigative process is crucial in building a strong case for your claim.

When it comes to hit and run accidents, the first step in the investigation is to gather as much information as possible from the scene of the incident. This includes taking photographs of the accident site, documenting any skid marks or debris, and measuring the distance between the vehicles involved. These details can provide valuable clues about the speed and direction of the vehicles, helping to reconstruct the sequence of events.

Surveillance footage often plays a critical role in hit and run investigations. Personal injury attorneys work with law enforcement agencies and private investigators to obtain any available footage from nearby businesses, traffic cameras, or residential security systems. This footage can provide a visual record of the accident, capturing the moment of impact and potentially revealing the license plate number or other identifying details of the fleeing vehicle.

Interviewing witnesses is another crucial aspect of the investigation. Personal injury attorneys and their team will reach out to anyone who may have seen the accident occur or have information about the responsible driver. Witnesses can provide valuable testimony regarding the events leading up to the hit and run, the description of the vehicle, and even the identity of the driver. Their statements can help establish liability and strengthen the case against the responsible party.

In addition to gathering evidence from the scene and witnesses, personal injury attorneys may also collaborate with accident reconstruction professionals. These professionals use their experience in physics, engineering, and vehicle dynamics to analyze the available evidence and recreate the accident. By examining factors such as vehicle damage, skid marks, and the location of the vehicles after the collision, accident reconstruction professionals can provide valuable insights into how the accident occurred and who may be at fault.

Furthermore, personal injury attorneys may also work with forensic professionals to analyze any physical evidence left at the scene of the hit and run. This can include paint transfer, vehicle parts, or even DNA evidence left behind by the responsible driver. Forensic analysis can help establish a link between the fleeing vehicle and the accident, providing further evidence of liability.

Overall, the process of investigating a hit and run accident is complex and requires meticulous attention to detail. Personal injury attorneys and their team of professionals leave no stone unturned in their quest to establish liability and identify the responsible driver. By gathering and analyzing all available evidence, they build a strong case that can help victims of hit and run accidents seek the compensation from their insurance claim that they deserve.

Gathering Evidence: Critical Steps for Building Your Case

Building a successful hit and run case heavily relies on the evidence collected. Your attorney will assist you in gathering all the necessary evidence, ensuring no crucial details are overlooked. This evidence may include photographs of the accident scene, damage to the vehicles involved, eyewitness statements, and any other relevant documentation. With a comprehensive body of evidence, your case gains credibility and strength.

Documenting Injuries: Medical Evidence in Hit and Run Claims

Obtaining proper medical care after a hit and run accident should be a top priority. Not only does this ensure your well-being, but it also generates medical records that serve as crucial evidence for your claim. Personal injury attorneys work closely with medical professionals to document your injuries accurately. They understand how injuries from car accidents can have long-lasting effects, both physically and emotionally. Having a comprehensive record of your injuries helps in accurately calculating damages and securing proper compensation.

Dealing with Insurance Companies: The Lawyer’s Advantage

Dealing with insurance companies can be overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to recover from a hit and run accident. Insurance adjusters may try to minimize your claim or pressure you into accepting an inadequate settlement. This is where having a personal injury attorney becomes crucial. They handle all communication with insurance companies on your behalf, protecting your rights and ensuring you receive a fair settlement that reflects the true extent of your damages.

Calculating Damages: Ensuring You Receive Fair Compensation

The damages resulting from a hit and run accident can extend beyond physical injuries. Personal injury attorneys are attuned to the various types of damages victims may experience, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. They meticulously calculate the full extent of these damages to ensure you receive fair compensation. Their knowledge in this area helps maximize your claim and provide you with the financial resources needed for your recovery.

Navigating Austin’s Legal Landscape: Local Knowledge Matters

Austin’s legal landscape can be complex, with unique laws and regulations governing hit and run cases. Having a personal injury attorney with local experience becomes invaluable in navigating these intricacies. They understand the nuances of the legal system and use this knowledge to their advantage. Their familiarity with local courts and judges enables them to craft a strong argument tailored to the jurisdiction, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome for your case.

Pursuing Justice: Legal Action Against the Hit and Run Driver

Legal action against the hit and run driver is a crucial step in seeking justice after a hit and run collision. Personal injury attorneys guide you through the legal process, ensuring all necessary documents are filed within the specified time limits. They advocate for your rights in court, presenting the evidence gathered during the investigation and compellingly representing your case. Their goal is to hold the responsible driver accountable for their actions and help you obtain the justice you deserve.

Protecting Your Rights: The Importance of Legal Representation

When you’ve experienced a hit and run accident, protecting your rights should be a top priority. Personal injury attorneys are well-versed in the laws surrounding hit and run incidents in Austin, Texas. They stand by your side, ensuring your rights are not violated and that you receive fair treatment throughout the legal process. With their support, you can focus on your recovery, secure in the knowledge that your interests are being protected.

Peace of Mind in Your Recovery: The Lawyer’s Support

Recovering from a hit and run accident can be physically and emotionally challenging. Having the support of a personal injury attorney provides a sense of peace and reassurance during this difficult time. They handle all the legal complexities, allowing you to focus on healing and rebuilding your life. With their guidance and support, you can move forward with confidence, knowing that your case is being handled by experienced professionals who have your best interests at heart.

Recovering Your Life After a Hit and Run in Austin, Texas

After a hit and run accident, it’s important to focus on rebuilding your life. Working closely with a personal injury attorney, you can seek proper compensation for your injuries and damages, providing the financial resources necessary for your recovery. While it may take time to regain a sense of normalcy, having the support of legal professionals ensures you have the best chance at a successful recovery.

Finding the Right Personal Injury Attorney for Your Hit and Run Case

At Chris Morrow Law, PLLC, we want legal representation to be available to all, no matter what their situation. Our passion is seeking the fair and reasonable treatment, compensation, and justice you deserve. We will work tirelessly around the clock to ensure you have the best chance of success. Our attorneys have a long history of successful cases, and our long list of happy clients speaks for itself.

We are as skilled in the courtroom as we are outside of it, so you can rest easy knowing that we are the right team for the job, whether that is seeking a quick and fair settlement or going the distance in court. Our team of highly experienced Austin car accident lawyers have been fighting compassionately on behalf of our clients since 1994, giving us over 25 years of experience. Give us a call today at 512-520-8100.

Drivers should be held responsible when they break the law by texting and driving. Call our distracted driving accident lawyer in Austin to learn more about how we can help you at 512-520-8100.

What to Do After a Hit & Run

If you’ve been injured in a hit and run accident and the driver fled, you may be able to help the authorities catch the driver by taking down important information.

If the driver in your accident leaves the scene, follow these steps:

  • Call 911: Law enforcement will respond to your accident and file a crash report that you can access as evidence later, and they also may immediately search the area for the driver.
  • Take photos and jot down information: If possible, try to use your phone to take photos of the other car, property damage, and your injuries. Try to remember details about the other car and driver, such as the color of the car, license plate number, what the driver was wearing, and any identifying details like dents in the car, bumper stickers, or facial features.
  • Get witness information: If you didn’t see the driver, it’s possible others did. Make sure to get the names and phone numbers of any witnesses who can provide valuable information that can help identify or locate the driver.
  • Get medical attention: It’s important for your case and your health that you seek medical attention for your injuries, even if you don’t think you were harmed. Documentation of your injuries is important when you’re filing your hit and run accident claim.
  • Call an attorney: Our hit and run lawyer in Austin can walk you through the steps of notifying your insurance company, investigate your accident with our resources, and get you the treatment you deserve after a harrowing experience.

What to Do After a Hit & Run

How Do I File a Case Against a Hit and Run Driver?

Texas law requires auto insurance companies to offer customers uninsured and underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage, so unless you actively rejected it, chances are you have this type of coverage. Individuals involved in hit and run accidents can file claims with their insurance companies to cover damages like medical bills, lost income, disability, and pain and suffering up to their policy limits.

Do Insurance Companies Cover Hit and Runs?

It’s important to know that not all insurance companies will honor their customers’ policies. Having an attorney on your side who can determine whether your policy will cover your damages and protect your rights from predatory insurance adjusters is necessary if you want a full recovery.

How Long Do You Have to Report a Hit and Run in Texas?

Texas law allows you to file a police report up to 2 years after the hit and run accident occurs. However, there are downsides to waiting this long to file a claim:

  • You won’t be able to file a claim with your insurance company
  • Valuable evidence can be lost if you don’t act quickly
Our team recommends that you act quickly after a hit and run accident and reach out to our hit and run lawyers immediately by calling (512) 520-8100 or using our online contact form.

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